It’s tempting to focus on generating more sales, and that’s definitely something worth pursuing, but it should not be your primary focus right now.
Right now, you should be focused on building your brand.
This is a perfect opportunity to create compelling content that demonstrates your competence and leads to trust.
The key here is to leverage this content to enable you to continue marketing to your audience well into the future with social media, remarketing/retargeting, and email.
This way, you don’t have to hope and pray that they convert the first time they see your content –because, in all reality, they probably won’t.
But if you build an email list and an audience on social media, the first time they see your content is exactly that – just the first of many interactions they’ll have with your brand.
Here’s the thing about building a brand that most people either don’t know or ignore…
In order to give some people (the right people) a reason to be passionate about your brand, you will also give other people (the wrong people) a reason to be disinterested in, or even hate your brand.
And that’s OK.
You want to attract your ideal customers and repel to people who aren’t a good fit.
I know it can be tempting, especially right now, to try to close everyone, but the reality is that the wrong customers will actually cause you to lose money because they become a time suck.
When you align with the right customers, you can produce better results for them and actually enjoy the working relationship.